भाकृअनुप - सरसों अनुसंधान निदेशालय
ICAR-Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Sewar, Bharatpur 321303 (Rajasthan), India

Salient Achievements

The ICAR-Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research is playing a key role in advancing rapeseed-mustard research in frontier areas through multidisciplinary approach. The most significant achievements of this directorate include:

Crop Improvement | Crop Production | Crop Protection | Plant Biochemistry | Plant Biotechnology
Technology Assessment and Dissemination | Agriculture Knowledge Management | All Achievements

Crop Improvement
  • Six varieties (NRCDR 02, NRCHB 101, NRCDR 601, DRMR IJ 31, DRMR 150-35, DRMR 1165-40) and first CMS based hybrid (NRCHB 506) of Indian mustard and one variety of yellow sarson (NRCYS 05-02) were developed.
  • Twenty genetic stocks, ‘NRCDR 515’ (White rust resistant), ‘BPR 541-4’ (Thermo tolerance at terminal stage and salinity tolerance at juvenile stage and high water use efficiency), ‘BPR 543-2’ (Thermo tolerance at juvenile stage and high water use efficiency), ‘NRCKR 304’ (Early maturity, long main shoot and bold seed), WFM 1 (white petal colored mustard), ‘BPR 540-6’ (salinity and Thermos tolerant at juvenile stage), ‘BPR 549-9’ (salinity tolerant at juvenile stage and high water use efficient), ‘BPR-349-9’ (only for Thermos-tolerance at juvenile stage), ‘MCA1’ and ‘MCA2’ (male sterility), WF yellow sarson (yellow sarson with white flower), ‘NRCGS-1’ (early flowering and dwarf plant), ‘DRMR MJA -35’ (white rust resistance), ‘DRMR-5-1’ (00 and white rust resistance), ‘DRMR-2019’ (WR resistant), ‘DRMR-2035’ (WR resistant) and ‘DRMR 541-44’ (drought tolerance). ‘DRMR10-40’ (drought tolerant), DRMR-2059 (high temperature at seedling stage, terminal heat stress tolerant), DRMR-4001 (drought tolerant), DRMR-4005 (Thermos tolerant at juvenile stage coupled with high seed and oil yield) were developed and registered with ICAR-NBPGR.
  • Indian mustard hybrid NRCHB 506 and varieties NRCDR 2, NRCHB 101 and DRMR IJ-31, developed at DRMR, were licensed for seed production and marketing to private seed companies.
  • Inter-specific hybrid derived from cross of NRCDR 2 (B. juncea) and NRCKR 304 (B. carinata) was confirmed through cyto-morphological studies.
  • A core set of Indian mustard with 146 accessions (~8 % of total accessions) and one trait specific set (with 135 accessions) for component traits were developed
  • 2548 accessions of rapeseed-mustard being maintained and 2,289 samples were distributed to SAU’s, NGOs and other government organizations for research purpose.
  • 400 accessions were evaluated for agro morphological traits and 52 interspecific crosses were generated for re-synthesis of B. juncea. 3 cycle of selection of half sib population for drought, Alternaria blight and high oil were completed and promising half sibs were selected.
  • 8 new hybrids utilizing mori/ other CMS systems were evaluated.
  • Based on lower seedling mortality (<20%) and higher seedling dry matter (>40 mgs/10 seedling), under controlled conditions DRMRCI-92 has been identified as thermo tolerant at seedling stage.
  • Evaluated 604 lines indigenous accessions and 190 exotic accessions of Indian mustard for terminal heat tolerance
  • A high frequency regeneration protocol for B. juncea cv. NRCDR 2 has been standardized using cotyledonary petiole explants. 15 independent putative transgenic events have been developed in Indian mustard var. NRCDR-2 with TvD1 gene construct via Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated gene transfer technique. A hp RNAi construct was engineered by using mannose 6-phosphate reductase (M6PR) gene of Orobanche for development of Orobanche tolerance in mustard.
  • Molecular characterization of 66 B. juncea and 28 B. rapa varieties have been carried out using SSR markers and total 45 SSR markers validated for inter-specific hybrids between B. rapa x B. spinescences. Three PCR based IP markers (At5g41560, At5g41940 and At2g36360) closely linked to white rust resistance were validated in 26 genotypes of Indian mustard for marker assisted selection. Population structure of a set of (79) diverse Indian mustard genotypes were studied by using 50 polymorphic EST-SSR primers.
  • 47,962,057 high quality expressed sequence reads were generated using Illumina MiSeq paired-end sequencing technology. These reads were assembled into 45,280 unigene contigs from which a total of 4,108 perfect SSR loci of >10 bp were identified. Primer pairs for 460 EST-SSRs were commercially synthesized and validated on B. juncea and its wild relatives.
  • 15 independent putative transgenic events have been developed in Indian mustard var. NRCDR-2 with TvD1 gene construct via Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated gene transfer technique. Molecular characterization of putative independent transgenic events of B. juncea var. NRCDR-2 had been carried out with PCR using TvD1 gene specific primers.
  • Eleven accessions showing heat tolerance at seedling stage were genotyped using 106 SSR primers.
  • Total 45 SSR markers validated for inter-specific hybrids between B. rapa x B. spinescences.
  • 4100 EST based SSRs were identified. Primer pairs for 460 EST-SSRs were commercially synthesized.
  • Palladium complex method developed for estimation of total glucosinolates in seed meal of rapeseed-mustard using ELISA READER.
  • Using partial least square regression, calibration for non-destructive estimation of erucic acid and glucosinolate content in seeds of rapeseed-mustard by Fourier transform near infra-red reflectance spectroscopy (FT-NIRS) was developed.
  • 147 core set was analyzed for different biochemical characters (total glucosinolate content, oil content, fatty acid profile, total phenolic acid, total fibre content, total antioxidant activity, DPPH activity, allyl isothiocyanate content. C-IV-20, C-II 19, C-III-17, C-IV-29 were identified as low erucic acid (< 2%) lines.
  • Identification of potential furans i.e. 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furancarboxaldehyde (HMF) in Indian mustard through GC-MS
  • 44 genotypes analyzed for 14 different biochemical characters.
Crop Production
  • Application of vermicompost @ 5.0 t/ha or FYM @ 10.0 t/ha + 75% recommended fertility level (80:40:0) gave 5-10% higher seed yield over recommended fertility.
  • Incorporation of mustard residue (2.5 t/ha) + Sesbania green manuring or Sesbania green manure + Azotobacter (seed treatment) enhanced the mustard seed yield up to 50% over the fallow–mustard crop sequence.
  • Conventional soil fertility management significantly improved mustard seed yield than moderate and subsistence fertility management practices. Overall, use of organic source increased the seed yield by 50.6% over conventional control.
  • Among the cropping systems, the system productivity was higher in maize-mustard system (6098 kg/ha) followed by green gram-mustard (5301 kg/ha), cluster bean-mustard (3914 kg/ha), pearl millet-mustard (3889 kg/ha), sesame-mustard (3649 kg/ha) and the lowest in fallow-mustard system (3031 kg/ha).
  • Use of organic source increased the seed yield by 15.2 and 24.0% over conventional absolute control (no fertilizer), respectively. Supplementing organic source with chemical fertilizers further augmented the seed yield by 22.4% due to MFM (50% RDF).
  • Among the cropping systems, mono-cropping system (fallow-mustard) recorded highest seed yield (2861 kg/ha) followed by double cropping systems i.e., green gram- mustard (2731 kg/ha) and maize-mustard (2676 kg/ha).
  • Zinc application increased seed yield by 20% in Indian mustard at 37.5 kg ZnSO4/ha. Average response of Aravalli, Laxmi and Vardan varieties of Indian mustard to boron ranged from 21-31% at 20 kg borax/ha.
  • Seed yield increased significantly (16-47%) with the application of boron up to 20 kg borax/ ha, which was due to increased seeds / Thermos and 1000-seed weight.
  • Pearl millet + cluster bean (as fodder) –mustard sequence followed by Pearl millet + black gram–mustard cropping systems were identified as most remunerative under rainfed conditions.
  • About 50% irrigation water can be saved by the adoption of drip and micro-sprinkler irriga-tion along with 25-30 % yield enhancement. A net saving of 30 % irrigation water can be done with FIRB along with 20-25% yield enhancement as compared to conventional method.
  • Furrow irrigated raised-bed system reduced water requirement by one-third but increased the mustard seed yield by 9.9%.
  • Out of various combinations used for enhancing resource use efficiency through nano particles, the seed treatment with Titanium oxide @ 1000 ppm resulted in maximum increase in seed yield, harvest index, oil productivity, profitable efficiency and economics.
  • The maximum Orobanche control efficiency was recorded in soybean oil followed by directed spray of glyphosate @ 0.5%.
  • In long term experiment with four oilseed Brassica production system with three land use management levels, conventional fertility management significantly improved mustard yield by 24.5% over MFM.
Crop Protection
  • Epidemiological studies were conducted on Sclerotinia stem rot and forecasting models were developed.
  • Artificial stem inoculation method for Sclerotinia germplasm screening standardized.
  • Sclerotinia rot management technology developed with irrigation scheduling and spray of carbendazim 0.2% during 65-70 days.
  • Morphological, cultural and molecular diversity was observed among 65 and 30 geographic isolates of S. sclerotiorum and Altetrnaria brassicae, respectively.
  • More than 4500 germplasm lines were screened for Sclerotinia resistance with artificial stem inoculation technique. Germplasm EC 597317, EC 597328, WR 2035, RH1222-28, DRMR 360, DRMR 1493, DRMR 1034 and DRMR 261 were showed tolerance.
  • Application of bulb extract of garlic (A. sativum) at 45 and 75 DAS resulted in the lowest Alternaria blight severity on leaves (14.7%) and pods (1.4%) with 35 per cent increase in yield over control in Indian mustard.
  • Stem blight of Brassica juncea, Nigrospora oryzae (Berk. & Br.) Petch (teleomorph Khuskia oryzae) were reported first time form India.
  • Based on reaction of 11 rapeseed-mustard genotypes to HSR and BPR isolates of A. candida; Rohini, Basanti and RH-30 were categorized as primary differential. PBC-9221 (B.carinata) and GSL-1 (B. napus) showed resistant reaction to both the isolates.
  • Seventeen entries i.e. DRMRHJ 4109, RSPN 29 (B. juncea), NUDB 26-11 (B. napus), DLSC 1 (B. carinata), RTM 1351, RTM 1359, RTM 314, RTM 1415, RTM 1357, RTM 1355, RTM 2002 RTM 1212, TMB 2030, TMB 29, TMB 2031, TMB 2032 and T 27 (E. sativa) were found resistant against aphid infestation having the AAII less than 1
  • Biocontrol based IPM module has been developed for mustard aphid.
  • Spray of oxydemeton methyl 25 EC @0.02 % or dimethoate 30 EC @ 0.3 % followed by release of Coccinella septempunctata @ 5000 beetles/ha provided control to mustard aphid.
  • 2% neem oil and 5% neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) were found effective against the mustard aphid.
  • Seed treatment with imidacloprid 70 WS @ 5g/kg of seed provided good control to painted bug up to 30-35 DAS.
  • Ten re-synthesized lines (DRMRSJ-1, DRMRSJ-18, DRMRSJ-20, DRMRSJ-21, DRMRSJ-22, DRMRSJ-25, DRMRSJ-31, DRMRSJ-32, DRMRSJ-33, DRMRSJ-34) and five advanced lines (DRMR 2018-35, DRMR 2018-37, DRMR 2018-41, DRMR 2018-44, DRMR 5206) showed resistance reactions against white rust at Wellington, Tamil Nadu.
  • Seven white rust donors DRMR-1-5, DRMR 2035, DRMRJA 35, DRMRIJ 12-40, DRMRIJ 12-26, DRMR 2019, DRMRIJ 12-28 were identified during 24th Annual Group Meeting of AICRP-RM.
  • RH 1222-28, EC 597328, EC 766553, EC 766620, EC 765048, IC 492687, IC 492690, IC 492695 and IC 511651 observed tolerant (lesion size <3.0 cm and disease incidence<10%) to Sclerotinia rot.
Plant Biochemistry
  • Palladium complex method developed for estimation of total glucosinolates in seed meal of rapeseed-mustard using ELISA READER.
  • Using partial least square regression, calibration for non-destructive estimation of erucic acid and glucosinolate content in seeds of rapeseed-mustard by Fourier transform near infra-red reflectance spectroscopy (FT-NIRS) was developed.
  • 147 core set was analyzed for different biochemical characters (total glucosinolate content, oil content, fatty acid profile, total phenolic acid, total fibre content, total antioxidant activity, DPPH activity, allyl isothiocyanate content. C-IV-20, C-II 19, C-III-17, C-IV-29 were identified as low erucic acid (< 2%) lines.
  • Identification of potential furans i.e. 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furancarboxaldehyde (HMF) in Indian mustard through GC-MS
  • 44 genotypes analyzed for 14 different biochemical characters.
Plant Biotechnology
  • A high frequency regeneration protocol for B. juncea cv. NRCDR 2 has been standardized using cotyledonary petiole explants. 15 independent putative transgenic events have been developed in Indian mustard var. NRCDR-2 with TvD1 gene construct via Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated gene transfer technique. A hp RNAi construct was engineered by using mannose 6-phosphate reductase (M6PR) gene of Orobanche for development of Orobanche tolerance in mustard.
  • Molecular characterization of 66 B. juncea and 28 B. rapa varieties have been carried out using SSR markers and total 45 SSR markers validated for inter-specific hybrids between B. rapa x B. spinescences. Three PCR based IP markers (At5g41560, At5g41940 and At2g36360) closely linked to white rust resistance were validated in 26 genotypes of Indian mustard for marker assisted selection. Population structure of a set of (79) diverse Indian mustard genotypes were studied by using 50 polymorphic EST-SSR primers.
  • 47,962,057 high quality expressed sequence reads were generated using Illumina MiSeq paired-end sequencing technology. These reads were assembled into 45,280 unigene contigs from which a total of 4,108 perfect SSR loci of >10 bp were identified. Primer pairs for 460 EST-SSRs were commercially synthesized and validated on B. juncea and its wild relatives.
  • 15 independent putative transgenic events have been developed in Indian mustard var. NRCDR-2 with TvD1 gene construct via Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated gene transfer technique. Molecular characterization of putative independent transgenic events of B. juncea var. NRCDR-2 had been carried out with PCR using TvD1 gene specific primers.
  • Eleven accessions showing heat tolerance at seedling stage were genotyped using 106 SSR primers.
  • Total 45 SSR markers validated for inter-specific hybrids between B. rapa x B. spinescences.
  • 4100 EST based SSRs were identified. Primer pairs for 460 EST-SSRs were commercially synthesized.
Technology Assessment and Dissemination
  • A total of 216 radio-talks related to rapeseed-mustard research and development programmes and improved practices were broadcasted from AIR stations of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. Organizes Beej Pakhwara and Sarson Vigyan Mela every year.
  • ICAR-Directorate of Rapeseed Mustard Research was conferred with first prize of prestigious Mahindra Samriddhi Krishi Sansthan 2015 in recognition of its contributions for betterment of rapeseed-mustard cultivation.
  • A total 1673 FLDs of improved varieties were conducted in different villages of Bharatpur district of Rajasthan during last 20 years on varietal component, whole package.
  • Under Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav programme, farmers were provided required scientific information, knowledge and advisories on regular basis through conducting 1115 FLDs on mustard, 20 on wheat, 21 sarson field days, interface meetings, trainings, mobile based advisories, literatures, and linkages with line departments.
  • Under STC (TSP), on farm demonstrations of Rapeseed-mustard crop was conducted in 6329.6 h area in Assam, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and North Eastern States (Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram & Arunachal Pradesh) with 12366 beneficiaries for dissemination of rapeseed-mustard technologies; 71 on campus training was organized with 2917 beneficiaries; 144 on–farm training organized with 8175 beneficiaries; 176 filed day/kisan gosthies/ scientists- farmer interaction meetings organized with 14616 beneficiaries and 20 exposure visits to ICAR-DRMR was organized with 551 beneficiaries.
  • Under Oilseeds seed-hub project, 08 mustard seed hubs were established during rabi 2018-19 at different places viz., KVK, Kamrup, Kahikuchi (AAU, Jorhat), Assam; RRS, Bawal (CCSHAU, Hisar); ZARS, Morena (RVSKVV, Gwalior); KVK, Kota (AU, Kota); ARS, Srigangangar (SKRAU); RLBCAU, Jhansi; KVK, Mirzapur (BHU) and DKVK, Ramkrishna mission, Saragachi, Murshidabad (WB).
  • Mustard value chain established during 2018-19 at 09 places viz., KVK Dhemaji (Assam), CAU Imphal (Manipur), KVK Ranchi (Jharkhand), KVK West Singhbum (Jharkhand), KVK Gumla (Jharkhand), KVK East Singhbum (Jharkhand), KVK Lohardagga (Jharkhand), KVK Pasighat (Arunachal Pradesh) and ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur (Rajasthan).
Agriculture Knowledge Management
  • Web based expert tool for rapeseed-mustard disease identification and management
  • Online database of rapeseed-mustard production and productivity
  • Web-based aphid (Lipaphis erysimi) forecast system for oilseed Brassicas
  • An expert tool for fertilizer management of rapeseed-mustard
  • Web-based database of rapeseed-mustard germplasm
  • Agricultural publication information system using metadata description A web-based documentation and performance evaluation approach
  • Web based database on biochemical characteristics of rapeseed-mustard
  • Open access rapeseed-mustard disease bibliographic information system
  • Web-based expert tool for selection of climate resilient rapeseed-mustard varieties