भाकृअनुप-भारतीय सरसों अनुसंधान संस्थान
ICAR-Indian Institute of Rapeseed-Mustard Research
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Sewar, Bharatpur 321303 (Rajasthan), India


Realizing the importance of quality of seed in increasing rapeseed-mustard productivity, DRMR has strengthened its seed production programme by establishing linkage for participatory seed production. DRMR has signed MoUs with Govt. Agencies and progressive farmers for participatory seed production. This activity has resulted increase in quality seed production and varietal seed replacement rate. Directorate is also producing the breeder seed of newly developed variety against the indent received from DAC, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer welfare, Govt. of India. DRMR coordinates breeder seed production of rapeseed-mustard varieties at AICRPRM Centres county wide.

Seed received from the field are often contain trash and other inert material, weed seeds, deteriorated and damaged seeds, off-size seeds, etc. Seed processing is necessary in order to dry the seeds to safe moisture level; remove or reduce to the extent possible the various undesirable material, weed seeds, other crop seeds, deteriorated or damaged seeds; uniform size grading to upgrade the over all seed quality. In its common usage, seed processing refers to all the steps necessary for preparation of harvested seed for marketing, namely, handling, cleaning, size grading, etc. DRMR has fully automatic seed processing for producing quality seed of crops for the farmers. Every year directorate distribute several quantals quality seed of latest released varieties to the farmers of different mustard growing states.