Until mid-forties, barring sporadic and isolated research efforts, the rapeseed-mustard crop commodity did not get attention in terms of research and development. The earliest attempt ot organise research in oilseeds was made by constituting the Indian Central Oilseeds Committee (ICOC) in oilseeds was made by constituting the Indian Central Oilseeds Committee (ICOC) in 1947 under the Indian Oilseeds Committee Act IX of 1946. The main objective of the ICOC was to increase production of individual oilseeds through adhoc funding of research programmes carried out by the State Department of Agriculture, Universities and Central Institutes. The ICOC was replaced by Oilseeds Development Council in 1966. During the course of two decades, research efforts led to the development of a number of high yielding varieties of mustard (Laha 101, Varuna, Durgamani, Patan Mustard), toria (BR-23, M-27, ITSA, T-36, DK-1) brown sarson (BSA, BSG, BSH-1, BS-65, BS-70), yellow sarson (T-151, Patan Sarson, YS PB-24,) and taramira (ITSA). The research programmes on rapeseed-mustard got a boost when the Alll India Coordinated Research Project on Oilseeds (AICRPO) was initiated in April, 1967 with a full time Project Coordinator covering five major oilseed crops-groundnut, mustard, sesame, linseed and castor. The project got a fillip in 1977. With elevation of the then Project coordinator (Oilseeds) as Project Director with seven Project Coordinators to monitor, coordinate and plan the research programmes of each of the seven individual crops. The unit of the Project Coordinator (Rapeseed-Mustard) accordingly started at Hisar in 1981 with 14 cooperating research centres. In subsequent plans the project was further strengthened in terms of creating of new centres, need based development of infrastructure and manpower. After establishment of National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard in 1993 at Bharatpur , the All India Coordinated Research Project on Rapeseed-mustard was shifted to Bharatpur. Presently, there are 13 main centres and 9 sub-centres of AICRPM located in five zones of India. The All India Coordinated Research Project on Rapeseed-mustard thus has taken up the researches on series of problems and efforts are made to develop high yielding varieties considering biotic and abiotic stresses and many other aspects to enhance the production and productivity and these crops. Under the umbrella of AICRP- RM till 2019, a total of 248 varieties of rapeseed-mustard have been released, out of them 187 varieties notified comprises (Indian mustard-114; toria-26; yellow sarson-17; gobhi sarson-11; brown sarson-5; karan rai-5; taramira-8 and black mustard-1). These include hybrids (05 of Indian mustard and 02 of Gobhi sarson) and varieties having tolerance to biotic (white rust, Alternaria blight, powdery mildew) & abiotic stresses (salinity, high temperature) and quality traits have been recommended for specific growing conditions.
Enhance the Rapeseed-Mustard Production
- Coordination, plan and monitor the rapeseed-musard research in the country.
- Generation of location specific interdisciplinary information based on multi locational testing.
- Development of ecologically sound, economically viable,stiuation specific agro-production and protection technologies.
- Carryout and coordinate multilocational, multidisciplinary, time bound and action oriented programme.
- Development of varieties possessing resistance/tolerance against biotic and abiotic stresses having high oil and seed meal quality.
- Develop appropriate, location specific, economically viable and feasible agro-production and protection technologies to maximise the yield.
- Identify most remunerative and efficient cropping system suited to different areas and situations.
- Develop techniques to protect plants against insect-pests, diseases, frost, drought and salinity.
- Undertake on farm researches for demonstrating realisable potential of improved technologies under real farm situations.
- Maintenance, collection, assemblence and evaluation of germplasm.
- Undertake basic and breeder seed production of improved varieties.
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