भाकृअनुप-भारतीय सरसों अनुसंधान संस्थान
ICAR-Indian Institute of Rapeseed-Mustard Research
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Sewar, Bharatpur 321303 (Rajasthan), India

Programme / Project at DRMR

Several institute and externally funded projects run at DRMR to conduct the research on different aspects of rapeseed-mustard crop are indicated in the mission, mandate, and objectives of the directorate.


S.No. Programme/ Project code Name of  Programme / Project Programme Leader/PI 

A Programme: 1 Genetic enhancement for high seed yields, increased oil content and oil quality, short duration and biotic stress tolerance using conventional and new breeding techniques   Dr. V. V. Singh
1. DRMR CI Plant ideotypes for draught tolerance in Indian mustard PI: Dr. L. K. Meena
2. DRMR CI 10 Breeding for high yield and oil content under normal and moisture stress condition PI: Dr. Vijay Veer Singh
Co-PI: Dr. P.K. Rai , Dr. R.S. Jat, Dr. H.S. Meena
3. DRMR CI 14 Breeding for earliness and high temperature tolerance in Indian mustard PI: Dr. Bhagirath Ram
Co-PI: Dr. R.S. Jat, Dr. M.S. Sujith Kumar
4. DRMR CI 17 Breeding for white rust and stem rot tolerance in Indian mustard PI: Dr. B. L. Meena
5. DRMR B 7 Proteomics Studies in Oilseed Brassica PI: Dr. Ibandalin Mawlong
Co-PI: Drs. M S Sujith Kumar, Arun Kumar
6. DRMR B 8 Screening of Oilseed Brassica Germplasm for Value Addition. PI: Dr. M. S. Sujith Kumar
Co-PI: Dr. Ibandalin Mawlong, Dr. K.H. Singh
7. DRMR CI Plant ideotypes for draught tolerance in Indian mustard PI: Dr. L. K. Meena
8. DRMR BT-05 Biotechnological interventions for development of Orobanche tolerance in Indian mustard PI: Dr. Reema Rani
9. DRMR BT-08 Development of biotic stress tolerance in Indian mustard through molecular biological approaches Proteomics studies in in oilseed brassica PI: Dr. Prashant Yadav
Co-PI: Drs. Arun Kumar, R.L. Choudhary
10. DRMR CI Improvement of mustard seed meal and its value added products PI: Dr. Anubhuti Sharma
B Programme: 2 Management and utilization of genetic and genomic resources for pre-breeding, broadening genetic base and trait discovery Dr. V. V. Singh
1. DRMR CI 12 Widening of gene pool in Brassicas through Interspecific and Intergeneric hybridization PI: Dr. Arun Kumar
Co-PI: Dr. Anubhuti Sharma, Dr. H.S. Meena
2. DRMR CI 15 Re-synthesis of Indian mustard (Brassicajuncea L. Czern. &Coss.) through inter-specific hybridization PI: Dr. H. S. Meena
Co-PI: Dr. Arun Kumar
3. DRMR CI 6 Collection, evaluation, characterization and conservation of rapeseed-mustard germplasm PI: Dr. H. K. Sharma
C Programme: 3 Exploitation of heterosis using CMS hybrid technology Dr. K. H. Singh
1. DRMR CI 5 Development of hybrids in Indian mustard PI: Dr K. H. Singh
Co-PI: Drs. P.K.Rai, Dr. Bhagirath Ram, Dr. H.S.Meena,
D Programme: 4 Resource conservation, cropping system manipulation and input use efficiency for better crop management Dr. H K. Sharma
1. DRMR CP 17 Development and use of nano-fertilizers in mustard for higher nutrient use efficiency and crop productivity PI: Dr. Mukesh Meena
Co-PI: Dr. R. S. Jat, Dr. Ibandalin Mawlong
2. DRMR CP 19 Nutrient transformation in soil as influenced by enriched composts and their effect on yield and quality of mustard PI: Dr. M. D. Meena
3. DRMR CP-21 Yield maximization through best crop management strategies in mustard based cropping systems PI: Dr. Harvir Singh
Co-PI: Drs. R.L. Choudhary, M.K. Meena, M.S. Sujith Kumar, M.L. Dotaniya
4. DRMR CP-23 Management of parasitic and non-parasitic weeds in rapeseed-mustard PI: Dr. R. S. Jat
Co-PI: Drs. R.L. Chodhary, Harvir Singh
5. DRMR CP-19 Nutrient transformation in soil as influenced by nriched composts and their effect on yield and quality of mustard PI: Dr. M.D. Meena
Co-PI: Drs. M.K. Meena, M.S. Sujith Kumar, R.S. Jat, M.L. Dotaniya
6. DRMR CP-20 Management of poor quality water for sustainable mustard production PI: Dr. M.L. Dotaniya
Co-PI: Drs. M.D. Meena, R.L. Choudhary, M.K. Meena,
7. DRMR CP-22 Climate smart agro-techniques for enhancing water productivity of mustard based cropping system under moisture stress PI: Dr. R.L. Choudhary
Co-PI: Drs. Harvir Singh, M.S. Sujith Kumar, M.D. Meena, M.L. Dotaniya
8. DRMR CP- Enhancing nutrient use efficiency for higher productivity, profitability and quality of mustard PI: Dr. Vasudev Meena
Co-PI: Drs. M.L. Dotaniya, M.D. Meena, R.S. Jat
E Programme: 5 Development of plant protection technologies for biotic stresses in changing climate Dr. P. K. Rai
1. DRMR PP 5 Epidemiology and management of white rust PI: Dr. P K Rai
Co-PI: Dr. Pankaj Sharma, Dr.V V Singh, Dr. Ajay Thakur
2. DRMR PP 1 Management of Sclerotinia rot in Rapeseed-Mustard PI: Dr. Pankaj Sharma
Co-PI: Dr. P D Meena, Dr. Anubhuti Sharma
3. DRMR PP-07 Morphological, Biochemical and Molecular Basis of Host Resistance in Brassica-Alternaria Interaction PI: Dr. P. D. Meena
Co-PI: Drs. M.S. Sujith Kumar, Prashant Yadav, H.S. Meena
F Programme: 6 Innovative extension models for technology transfer to the farmers, entrepreneur development and industrial linkages Dr. A. K. Sharma
1. DRMR TAD 4 Participatory extension for dissemination of rapeseed-mustard technology PI: Dr. A K Sharma
Co-PI: Dr. Vinod Kumar
2. DRMR CA 1 Development of application software for rapeseed-mustard information management PI: Dr. Vinod Kumar
Co-PI: Dr A K Sharma