User Help

RMSelect enable users in providing the information of rapeseed-mustard varieties in the broad categories viz. Select the varieties according to location and situation; varieties information according to species; and overview of varieties developed for far.

A) Select varieties for a location

User wishing to select a variety according to their location and situation has to follow the following steps.

Step 1. Start the web browser and select the RMSelect on the website ( of Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research.

Step 2. On main menu page click on select variety for location

Step 3. After clicking the option, user will be directed to the page which provides the option for selecting information such as state, district and production conditions like crop, irrigation, sowing condition and maturity, etc. User, be cautious in selecting the conditions.

Step 4. After selecting the options in step 3, press the submit button, system will display the list of varieties notified for the user situation. List of varieties sorted according to latest developed varieties.

Step 5. Here user can see the details information about varieties by clicking on the name of variety or by clicking view details options.

Step 6. For Head to head comparison of two or more varieties click on check box of respective varieties. After that press the button Compare selected varieties.

Step 7. System will display the details information such as year of notification, oil content, average yield maturity, etc., of selected varieties. User can see detail sheet of selected varieties by clicking on view details option and seed availability information. Here user can select the varieties of their preference.

B) Crop wise variety Information

The RMSelect provides the crop wise details information of varieties. If user wants to see the information on this aspect can follow the following steps.

Step 1. On main menu page click on Crop-wise Variety Information

Step 2. After clicking the link, user will be directed to the page which provides the option for selecting information such as crop, varieties notified between the years. For filtering the information, more options such as all varieties, only those are in seed chain and are not in seed chain.

Step 3. After selecting the options in step 2, press the submit button, system will display the list of notified varieties of the crop. List of varieties sorted according to latest developed varieties. Now for details information user can follow the above steps5, step6 and step7 of section A.

C) Overview of number of developed varieties

Step 1. If user wants to see the information on over all development of rapeseed-mustard varieties during different period can visit the link on main menu page.

D) Search specific variety

Step 1.The search option available on main page lets users search for specific variety of interest.

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