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RM Aphid
Aphid Life cycle
Aphid Management
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Integrated aphid management
Sow the crop in time as per recommendation for different states. It helps in escape or in low infestation of mustard aphid. It is advised to sow the crop before 15
October in the most parts of Northern India.
Apply recommended dosage of fertilizers. Application of higher doses of nitrogenous fertilizers makes the oilseed
crops more prone to aphids.
Visit the field regularly as aphid infests the border rows of the field first and then migrates to inner parts of the field. Pluck and destroy the infested twigs from the border rows 2-3 times at 10-day intervals, which is very useful to prevent the further multiplication in the crop season.
Spray the crop when the infestation reaches 26-28 aphids per 10 cm of terminal shoot in 10% plants keeping the forecast for aphid on oilseed
crops in different states.
Spray the crop with oxy-dematon methyl 25 EC (1 ml / l) or dimethoate 30 EC (1 ml / l) or thiamethoxam 25 WG (0.2 g/l). If the population builds up again, repeat the spray at 15-day intervals or follow agro-advisory and aphid forecast to schedule insecticide spray.
The spraying should be done preferably in the afternoon hours.
In order to protect the natural enemies like ladybird beetle (
), syrphids (
, etc., unwarranted spraying may be avoided.
Destruction of alternate hosts (cruciferous crops, weeds).
Installation of yellow sticky traps @ 10 per ha