RMselect for Farmers

RMselect tool is very useful for the Indian farmers. Using the system Rapeseed-Mustard cultivators can select the variety suitable for their location and agro climatic conditions. System is user friendly most of the option farmer can select from dropdown & checkboxes and minimum information required to as input.

RMselect for Extension Personnel

RMselect tool is very useful for extension personnel engaged transfer of rapeseed-mustard production technologies. Using the system extension personnel can update his/her knowledge which can help in suggesting the suitable variety for a farmer for their location and production conditions.

RMselect for Students

RMselect tool can be used by the students. System provides the information on Rapeseed-Mustard cultivars of different characteristics developed for the different location and agro climatic conditions. Student can collect the information of rapeseed-mustard varieties for their study purposes.

RMselect for Researchers

RMselect tool can be used by the researchers. System provides the information on Rapeseed-Mustard cultivars of different characteristics such as oil content, seed weight, plant height, etc. Therefore, Rapeseed-Mustard researchers can select a species of interest for their future research programme.

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Varieties for a particular location

RMselect enables users to select a variety of choice according to their location and situation

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Varieties of different RM crops

RMselect provides the option to list the varieties of different rapeseed-mustard crops

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Search for a particular variety

RMselect enables users to search the varietal information on different attributes.

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Developed RM varieties at a glance

RMselect also gives the Overview of number of varieties developed during different period.

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Rapeseed-mustard cultivation area in India has been classified in to V major agro-ecological zones. The basic climatic conditions targeted for developing the resource efficient varieties are rainfed and irrigated. In erratic behavior of climatic conditions, it is imperative to the farmers be informative with the available technologies suitable for their situations. Rapeseed-mustard researchers have developed the varieties for the performing well in rainfed, irrigated and in both rainfed & irrigated. The availability of the information about these varieties is scattered and by means of several forms. The challenge was to organize the information electronically so that the farmers of the country could be benefited from this information for increase in rapeseed-mustard production.

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