The ICAR-Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Bharatpur, signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the M/s Eldorado Agritech Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore on June 12, 2024 for the nonexclusive Licensing of Rapeseed-Mustard Yellow Sarson Variety NRCYS-05-02. The MoA was signed by Dr. P. K. Rai., Director, ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur and Mr. Abhishek Kumar Chaubey representative of M/s Eldorado Agritech Pvt. Ltd, on the behalf of their respective organizations. In his address, Dr. P K. Rai stressed that the commercialization of high yielding varieties/hybrids shall help to bring more areas under the improved and promising varieties/hybrids that can help to enhance the production and productivity of oilseed specially rapeseed-mustard in the country. The officials of the PME, ITMU and ITMC were present during the occasion. Date:2024-06-12 to 2024-06-12  |