A bibliographic database is a database of bibliographic records, an organized digital collection of references to published literature, including journal and newspaper articles, conference proceedings, reports, government and legal publications, patents, books, etc. A bibliographic database may be general in scope or cover a specific research discipline and usually focus on a particular field of knowledge, and contain various types of publications: books, magazines, newspapers, reports and more. Using keywords, abstracts, and division by sub - themes, bibliographic databases to enable relevant information sources targeted research areas.
Rapeseed-mustard of the Brassicaceae family belongs to the genus Brassica, which play an important role in world agriculture. It is mainly of Mediterranean origin but is also cultivated in Africa and Asia. The crop has enormous diversity and dietary importance including vegetables, fodder, condiments and edible oil, and is grown in 53 countries of the world. Keeping the importance of crop, the plenty of research on different aspect has been made worldwide for its improvement. The losses in oilseed crops due to biotic stresses is about 19.9%, out of which diseases cause severe yield reduction at different growth stages. In several researches various plant pathogens are reported to affect the crop. Among them, 18 are considered to be economically important in different parts of the globe. Need, felt to collate vast and scattered information published in several publications on different aspect of reseearch on rapeseed-mustard disease in the form of bibliography database.
The present rapeseed-mustard disease bibliography database on genus Albugo includes 1215 scientific publications on all aspects of research progress in the world during the period of past 223 years (1792- 2014). The objective to create database was not only to compile all scientific literature in one publication, but also categorically arrange the bibliography to identify major research areas and leading research institutions. Hope, this will help both the present and future researchers in identifying important research area of research.
times since Oct. 1, 2017