Rapeseed-mustard Area, produciton and Yield data is essential for estimating the growth of this crop to assess the supply trends. Rapeseed-mustard production data is availiable in scattered and in several forms. Availibilty of reliable rapeseed-mustard data at one place is one of the most critical requirements for efficient policy planning. To consider impact of development programme and for carrying out an analysis of problems and constraints in growth of the rapeseed-musratd and exploring growth prospects DRMR has compiled the information and created the online database of rapeseed-mustard Area, Production and Yield Presently it contains the information of 54 years data of 72 rapeseed-mustard producing countries world wide, 48years data of 26 rapeseed mustard producing states in India and 17 years data of all districts of rapeseed mustard producing states. The database has been developed in user friendly manner and inbuilt queries have been developed for viewing data in several way. This data base is available online on the website of DRMR.

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